

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Holiday!

Happy Holidays!

So much has happened since my last entry. We continue to enjoy some of our favorite things like going to DiNardo's and Joe's CrabShack for dinner, going to movies and saw- Cloud Atlas, Lincoln, Life of Pi, and Skyfall. Jordan started taking voice lessons, continues his guitar lessons, and goes to Karate twice a week. He has finished his first school semester with a bit of struggle, but is working to improve. He is interested in a cute gal that takes guitar lessons also. He is trying to build up the nerve to ask her out. It's so cute to see him learning how to relate to girls. He is a good and decent kid.

Highlights for the last two months include going to a Halloween local play, visiting MerryMead Farm for a hayride, going for dessert to Silk City in the evening outdoors, meeting Andrew McCarthy at a book signing, listening to M. Night Shyamalan talk about his movie Signs and his new project-New Earth, going to dinner with coworkers to Buddhakan, going to see former President Clinton at Univ of Penn before election, going to Laff House and seeing Tom Green at Helium Comedy Club, going to Thanksgivng Day Parade, trying out South Street Diner for the first time, enjoying The Christmas Village at Love Park, especially the crepes, funnel cakes, and bratwursts, going to see a former classmate's new play at the Walnut theater, finding a great lunch vegetarian place on Chestnut Street with yummy hummus and falafel, and trying out Monk's Cafe for the first time, which pretty good.

We held out well during storm Sandy. We were lucky, but others weren't. Work has been busy. I am working on phasing in new programs within our unit, lots of meetings and planning. I get home pretty tired, but satisfied that I am working and contributing in a meaningful way. We have a holiday luncheon, holiday dinner, and Pollyanna planned.

As 2012 comes to a close I reminisce about the past months. 2012 was quite a stressful year for me due to my lay off, unemployment, new job, and a troubled relationship. However, I have managed to enjoy every minute possible by doing some of my favorite things and having new adventures.

I vow to do more traveling, more socializing, and have more adventures with those I love in 2013. I also vow to take better care of my health in every way. I look forward to an exciting new year.