

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What a winter!

It's been quite a cold and snowy winter. We have had very low temperatures and lots of snow and ice these past two months. Lots of school closings, and some office closings. I understand there's more to come too.

We had a very nice holiday; lots of good food, family, and nice presents. We spent a quiet New Year's Eve at home with the kids. We had a nice party at work and spent Christmas Eve with mom. We went to see Dave Chappelle at the Tower Theater. I enjoyed his opening acts more than I enjoyed him. I attended a very nice Christmas Eve service downtown. We went to see the Pompeii Exhibit at The Franklin Institute, learned a lot about Pompeii. We went to a Comedy Sports Show with the kids. They loved it! We also took them to a monster truck show in Trenton. We were full of dirt and dust at the

I visited a chiropractor out of curiosity. Interesting experience. Not sure that I would go back unless I had to. I did get to go to dinner with middle school classmates and my former middle school English teacher. We celebrated his 70th birthday. It was a wonderful experience to see them again after at least 25 years.

We celebrated Jordan's 16th birthday at Arnold's Family Fun Center in Oaks, PA. We rode go carts, played laser tag and lots of  arcade games. We had tons of fun! A week later we went back to celebrate dad's birthday and tried bowling. What a great place! They even had live bands playing both times we were there.

Work has been very busy, but good. I enjoy my work very much.

Jordan completed his first semester of 10th grade with very good grades. He signed up for a spring concert and will be singing Fleetwood Mac and Tom Petty songs. He stopped going to Karate. The place we go to has changed their schedules many times. We are  looking for a new place for him to start in March, or have him try out another activity.

I set some New Year's resolutions, including; working out at least 4 times a week, reading a book for leisure a month, eating healthier, travel more, start writing, and do more things I enjoy doing. So far so good. I read a book in January, "The Hot Zone." Wow! Scary book about Ebola virus. Started a second book this month, " The Places that Scare You, " about Buddhism. I have been working out at least 4 times a week. Been feeling very good and energized. I did come down with a cold this past week and trying to recuperate. Will start working out again this weekend. I have been eating much healthier, healthier snacks, lots of veggies, leaner and smaller portions of meats, with a sweet or salty (bad) snack once in a Can't go cold turkey. I also started writing, mainly my own story. It would be nice to give to Jordan before I die, so he knows where his mother comes from, and why she is the way she is.

We are getting ready for a once in a lifetime vacation. Another one of my resolution's is to do more of what I love to do, which includes travel to new places. We are going to Fiji in about a week, one of the places I have always dreamed of visiting. Very excited! I hope the weather cooperates.